Indoor cats live a different lifestyle compared to outdoor cats, but does this mean they don’t need vaccines? As it turns out, vaccines are still important for indoor cats! By understanding the benefits of vaccination, you can make better-informed decisions about your cat’s care and health. Read through our blog below for more information about why indoor cats need to be vaccinated and which vaccines are typically recommended to keep cats safe. If you still have questions on this topic or need to schedule an appointment, call Mills Animal Hospital in Acworth, GA at (770) 903-5995.

Why Vaccinate Indoor Cats?
You might think that since your cat stays indoors, they’re safe from diseases. However, indoor cats can still be exposed to various illnesses, just like cats that go outside. The risk may be smaller, but it’s a risk nonetheless. Vaccines help protect your cat from serious health problems they might encounter, like rabies, feline leukemia, or panleukopenia, which you can learn more about below. By vaccinating your indoor cat, you can help keep them healthy and safe from unexpected risks.
Common Diseases Vaccines Prevent in Cats
There are several diseases that vaccines can help prevent in cats. These are the most common:
Feline Panleukopenia (Distemper)
Feline panleukopenia is a highly contagious disease that can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration in felines. Even indoor cats can be exposed to this virus through contact with contaminated objects or people.
Feline Herpesvirus (Rhinotracheitis)
Feline herpesvirus causes respiratory issues, such as sneezing, nasal discharge, and eye problems. Indoor cats can catch this virus if they come into contact with an infected cat or contaminated objects.
Feline Calicivirus
Feline calicivirus is another virus that affects the respiratory system. It can cause mouth ulcers, sneezing, and joint pain. Indoor cats can still be exposed to this virus, so vaccination is important to keep them healthy.
Rabies is a 100% fatal disease that can affect all mammals, including cats. Even if your cat stays indoors, there’s a chance they could be exposed to rabies if they escape outside or if a rabid animal enters your home. Rabies vaccination is not only important for your cat’s health but is also required by law in many areas.
How Indoor Cats Can Be Exposed to Diseases
You may wonder how your indoor cat can be exposed to diseases. It’s easier than you might think! There are several ways this can happen, even if your cat never goes outside. Understanding these risks can help you see the importance of vaccines.
Visitors and New Pets
When friends or family visit your home, they can unknowingly bring in germs that might make your cat sick. If they have been around other animals, they might carry diseases on their clothes or hands. Additionally, bringing a new pet into your home can introduce new germs that your indoor cat isn’t immune to.
Escape Artists
Even the most well-behaved indoor cats can become escape artists. If your cat gets outside, they could run into various diseases from other animals. Vaccines help protect your cat if they ever find themselves outdoors.
Contaminated Objects
Disease-causing germs can be found on everyday objects, like shoes, clothing, and bags. When you bring these items into your home, you might be unknowingly exposing your cat to harmful germs.
Core Vaccines for Indoor Cats
Our veterinarians recommend several core vaccines for all cats, including those that spend all their time indoors. These vaccines are essential for keeping your cat as healthy as can be and protected from many common diseases.
FVRCP Vaccine
The FVRCP vaccine is a combination vaccine that protects against three serious diseases: feline viral rhinotracheitis (herpesvirus), calicivirus, and panleukopenia (distemper). We recommend this vaccine for all cats, including those that live indoors. It helps prevent respiratory issues and severe gastrointestinal illness.
Rabies Vaccine
As mentioned earlier, the rabies vaccine is important for all cats. It protects your cat from a deadly virus and is required by law in most places. Even if your cat stays inside, they could still be at risk for rabies, so vaccination is necessary.
FeLV Vaccine
The FeLV vaccine protects against feline leukemia virus. This virus can weaken your cat’s immune system and lead to other serious health problems, such as cancer. Indoor cats can be exposed to FeLV if they come into contact with an infected cat, so vaccination is a good precaution.
Discussing Cat Vaccinations with Your Vet
It’s always a good idea to talk to your veterinarian at Mills Animal Hospital about your cat’s specific vaccination needs. We can provide personalized recommendations based on your cat’s lifestyle and health status. Your vet can also answer any questions you have about vaccines and their benefits.
Scheduling Vaccinations
Your vet can help you create a vaccination schedule that best suits your pet. Regular vaccinations can help maintain your cat’s immunity against ongoing disease threats and ensure they are always protected.
Addressing Concerns
If you have any concerns about vaccines, your vet is the best person to talk to. They can provide you with accurate information and help you understand the benefits and risks of vaccinating your cat. Open communication with your vet helps you make informed decisions about your cat’s health and rest easy knowing you chose the best options.
The Importance of Vaccinating Indoor Cats
Vaccinating your indoor cat is an important step in protecting them from potentially deadly diseases. Even though your cat stays inside, they can still encounter various illnesses through visitors, contaminated objects, and the occasional escape. By vaccinating your cat, you help protect them from serious health problems and ensure they live a long, healthy life. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Mills Animal Hospital in Acworth, GA at (770) 903-5995.